Friday 18 September 2015

706 Mystery Skype!

Hi, I'm Katey, and I'm the guest blogger for today from 706 homeroom. Today, in science class, we did something that was both fun and a great learning experience. We had a "mystery Skype" session with a class from another country! We Skyped a class from another country, and we asked each other questions and tried to figure out where they lived, while they did the same for us. After asking lots and lots of questions, we finally found out that they live in San Antonio, Texas. It was an amazingly fun experience, and we would love to do it again sometime. Another great day in science and technology!
~Katey <3

Skype Call

Today, we are doing a Skype call with a different class that is somewhere else in the world! Me and my class are trying to figure out what country, city, state and school they are in. We have now figured out what country, city and school they are at. It was super fun!

Mystery Skype with 703

Hi it's Brooke and Alison from 703 and we just mystery Skype'd with a grade 8 class which was somewhere in the world. Our class's job was to find out where they lived, with questions that we came up with.The answers had to be yes or no. We found out they lived in Manhattan beach California. By asking questions like "Do you live near the ocean?"and "Is it warm where you live?". After a few questions from us they asked us questions about where we lived.We figured out where they lived first. It was hard but it was also fun.

Tuesday 15 September 2015

Starting blogs

This year all grade 7 students will be using blogger to document their learning.  We are in the process of setting our blogs up to share the amazing things going on in room 27.  Stay tuned for some more great adventure.